
Beef black bean saus

€ 12,90
Kip black bean saus

€ 11,90


Pokebowl Salmon

Traditioneel gerecht uit Hawaii, waar verse vis, vlees en groente centraal staat. Lekker gemixt met gezonde ingredienten, die jij zelf uitkiest. De sauzen geven een extra smaakdimensie.

€ 13,75
Pokebowl Crispy Shrimps

Traditioneel gerecht uit Hawaii, waar verse vis, vlees en groente centraal staat. Lekker gemixt met gezonde ingredienten, die jij zelf uitkiest. De sauzen geven een extra smaakdimensie.

€ 13,75
Pokebowl Fried Chicken

Traditioneel gerecht uit Hawaii, waar verse vis, vlees en groente centraal staat. Lekker gemixt met gezonde ingredienten, die jij zelf uitkiest. De sauzen geven een extra smaakdimensie.

€ 13,75
Pokebowl Surumi Crab

Traditioneel gerecht uit Hawaii, waar verse vis, vlees en groente centraal staat. Lekker gemixt met gezonde ingredienten, die jij zelf uitkiest. De sauzen geven een extra smaakdimensie.

€ 13,75
Pokebowl Avocado

Traditioneel gerecht uit Hawaii, waar verse vis, vlees en groente centraal staat. Lekker gemixt met gezonde ingredienten, die jij zelf uitkiest. De sauzen geven een extra smaakdimensie.

€ 13,75


Coca Cola (33cl)

€ 2,50
Coca Cola Zero (33cl)

€ 2,50
Fanta (33cl)

€ 2,50
Sprite (33cl)

€ 2,50
Fuze Tea Peach Hibiscus (33cl)

€ 2,50

The Green Table

Vegan logo
Hongaarse Goulash

Deze Hongaarse goulash combineert tomaat, ui en tuinbonen met gegrilde paprika en wortel, versterkt door rijke kruiden zoals knoflook, paprika, en tijm, voor een robuust en hartig smaakprofiel.

€ 8,49
Vegan logo
Marokkaanse groente tajine

Deze Marokkaanse groente tajine heeft een rijke melange van gierst, groenten zoals aubergine, courgette, en gegrilde paprika, aangevuld met zoete abrikozenstukjes en exotische kruiden zoals ras el hanout, knoflook, kaneel en chili.

€ 8,49
Vegan logo
Mexicaanse chili

Een Mexicaanse chili met een pittige blend van tomaat, rode ui, suikermais, zwarte bonen en kidneybonen, verrijkt met gegrilde paprika en kenmerkende kruiden zoals knoflook, paprika, komijn en chili.

€ 8,49
Vegan logo
Italiaanse Paste Bolognese

Italiaanse pasta bolognese met fusilli pasta en een rijke saus van tomaat, rode ui, en plantaardig gehakt van erwteneiwit. Authentieke Italiaanse kruiden zoals knoflook, oregano en venkel maken dit klassieke gerecht af.

€ 8,49
Vegan logo
Gele Curry

Deze heerlijke Aziatische gele curry combineert de rijke smaken van kokosmelk, ananas en lychee met een mix van verse groenten zoals wortel, bamboescheuten, broccoli, babymais en paprika voor een aromatisch en citrusachtig smaakprofiel.

€ 8,49
Vegan logo
Groene Curry

Deze smakelijke Aziatische groene curry combineert de romige kokosmelk met de zoetheid van ananas en een assortiment van verse groenten zoals paprika, broccoli en bamboescheuten, resulterend in een subtiel gevarieerd en rijk smaakprofiel.

€ 8,49



Beefburger met sla, augurk, ui, tomaat en wereldsaus

€ 6,45
Joppie Burger

Beefburger met verse sla, tomaten, augurken, kaas en Joppie saus

€ 7,45

Beefburger met kaas, sla, augurk, ui, tomaat en wereldsaus

€ 7,45

Beefburger met kaas, gebakken ei, bacon, sla, augurk, ui, tomaat en wereldsaus

€ 8,45

Kipfilet burger met sla, augurk, tomaat en chickensaus

€ 7,45

Visfilet burger met sla, augurk, tomaat en alaskasaus

€ 7,45
Vega logo
Vega chicken burger

Vegetarische kip burger met tomaten, sla, augurken en saus

€ 6,95
Barbecue burger

Beefburger met bacon, sla, tomaten, augurken en BBQ saus

€ 6,95

Kipburger met spicy saus, sla, augurken en gebakken ui

€ 6,45

Dubbele beefburger met kaas, sla, tomaten en augurken

€ 8,45

Kipfilet burger met satésaus, sla, augurken en gebakken ui

€ 7,45


Halve haan menu

Gegrilde kip met friet, verse salade en mayonaise

€ 14,95
Schnitzel menu

Varkensschnitzel met friet, verse salade en mayonaise

€ 12,95
Kipschnitzel menu

Kipschnitzel met friet, verse salade en mayonaise

€ 12,95
Saté menu

Drie kipspiesjes in satésaus met friet, verse salade en mayonaise

€ 12,95
Hete kip menu

Hete kip met friet, ui, paprika, verse salade en mayonaise

€ 12,95
Curryworst menu

Curryworst met friet, verse salade en mayonaise

€ 10,95
Fish menu

Gepaneerde visfilet met friet, verse salade, mayonaise en knoflooksaus

€ 12,95
Hamburger menu

Burger naar keuze met friet, verse salade en mayonaise

€ 10,95
Kindermenu met verrassing

Frietjes met mayonaise, een keuze uit kroket, frikandel, 4 kipnuggets of 4 minisnacks en een keuze uit een drankje

€ 7,50


Friet creamy cheese

Met echt Hollandse kaassaus

€ 3,50
Friet samurai

Lekker Pittig!

€ 3,50
Friet mayo

€ 3,25
Friet saté

€ 3,50
Friet curry

€ 3,25
Friet speciaal

€ 3,50
Friet oorlog

€ 3,50
Friet stoofvlees

€ 4,45
Friet joppie

€ 3,50
Friet super

Friet speciaal met een frikandel eronder

€ 5,50
Friet waterfiets

Friet speciaal met twee frikandellen in het bakje

€ 6,95
Gezinszak 3 personen

€ 8,00
Gezinszak 4 personen

€ 11,00
Gezinszak 5 personen

€ 13,00



€ 2,50
Frikandel speciaal

€ 2,95

€ 2,50
Vega logo

€ 2,75
Vega logo

€ 2,75

€ 2,75

€ 2,75

€ 2,75
Kwekkeboom kroket

€ 2,75
Bamischijf pittig

€ 2,50

€ 2,50
Gehaktbal uit het vet

€ 2,95
Gehaktbal uit het jus

€ 2,95

€ 2,95
Vega logo

€ 2,75
Ham kaassoufflé

€ 2,75

€ 2,75

€ 2,95

€ 3,75

€ 2,95

€ 2,95

€ 3,95

€ 2,50
Portie saté

€ 7,50
Vega logo
Vegetarische frikandel

€ 2,50
Vega logo
Vegetarische kipcorn

€ 2,95
Vega logo
Vegetarische bamischijf pittig

€ 2,50

Mini snacks

Bitterballen 10 stuks

€ 5,50
Kipnuggets 10 stuks

€ 5,50
Vega logo
Champignonballen 10 stuks

€ 5,50
Vega logo
Vegetarische borrelsnacks 10 stuks

€ 5,50
Mini snacks 10 stuks

€ 5,50


Rundvleessalade klein

€ 3,00
Rundvleessalade medium

€ 4,50
Rundvleessalade groot

€ 6,00


Milkshake aardbei

€ 3,50
Milkshake chocolade

€ 3,50
Milkshake kiwi

€ 3,50
Milkshake karamel

€ 3,50
Milkshake vanille

€ 3,50
Milkshake banaan

€ 3,50
Milkshake choco&banana

€ 3,50
Milkshake caramel en vanille

€ 3,50
Milkshake choco&caramel

€ 3,50
Milkshake multi fruit

€ 3,50




€ 2,00
Coca-Cola zero


€ 2,00


€ 2,00


€ 2,00


€ 2,00


€ 2,00
Fernandes cherry bouquet


€ 2,00
Fernandes green punch


€ 2,00
Spa blauw


€ 2,65
Spa rood


€ 2,65
IJsthee sparkling


€ 2,65
IJsthee green tea


€ 2,65
IJsthee peach


€ 2,65
Red Bull


€ 2,50
AA Drink


€ 2,65
Radler 0.0%


€ 2,50


Mayonaise bakje

€ 1,00
Curry bakje

€ 1,00
Tomatenketchup bakje

€ 1,00
Satésaus bakje

€ 1,50
Barbecuesaus bakje

€ 1,50
Speciaalsaus bakje

€ 1,50
Knoflooksaus bakje

€ 1,50
Chilisaus bakje

€ 1,50
Joppiesaus bakje

€ 1,50
Oorlogsaus bakje

€ 1,50
Piccalilli bakje

€ 1,50
Stoofvlees bakje

€ 2,50

Vietnamese broodjes

Banh mi met buikspek en varkensworst

Vietnamees broodje met gestoofd buikspek en varkensworst belegd met huisgemaakte mayonaise en saus, gezuurde wortel en radijs, komkommer, koriander en bosui

€ 9,50
Banh mi met kippendij

Vietnamees broodje met gegrilde kippendij met limoenblad belegd met huisgemaakte mayonaise en saus, gezuurde wortel en radijs, komkommer, koriander en bosui

€ 8,95
Banh mi met tofu

Vietnamees broodje met tofu en paddenstoelen, belegd met huisgemaakte mayonaise en saus, gezuurde wortel en radijs, komkommer, koriander en bosui

€ 8,95
Banh mi met garnalen

Vietnamees broodje met gegrilde garnalen met citroengras belegd met huisgemaakte mayonaise en saus, gezuurde wortel en radijs, komkommer, koriander en bosui

€ 9,50
Banh mi met varkens karbonade

Vietnamees broodje met gegrilde varkens karbonade met citroengras belegd met huisgemaakte mayonaise en saus, gezuurde wortel en radijs, komkommer, koriander en bosui

€ 8,95
Bánh mi met runder gehakt

Vietnamees broodje met gegrilde runder gehakt spiesjes met citroengras belegd met huisgemaakte mayonaise en saus, gezuurde wortel en radijs, komkommer, koriander en bosui

€ 8,95


Pho bo

Rijstnoedelsoep van runderbouillon met stukjes sukade, runderballetjes en dungesneden biefstuk, gegarneerd met ui en naar eigen smaak toe te voegen taugé, limoen en verse kruiden

€ 15,95
Pho vegan

Rijstnoedelsoep van veganistisch groentebouillon met tofu en paddenstoelen, gegarneerd met ui en naar eigen smaak toe te voegen. taugé, limoen en verse kruiden

€ 14,95
Pho ga

Rijstnoedelsoep van kippenbouillon met stukjes kip, gegarneerd met ui en naar eigen smaak toe te voegen: taugé, limoen en verse kruiden

€ 14,95

Rijstvermicelli bowls

Rijstvermicelli met kippendij

Rijstvermicelli bowl met gegrilde kippendij met limoenblad geserveerd met sla, komkommer, gezuurde wortel en radijs, koriander, gebakken ui en pinda's

€ 12,95
Rijstvermicelli mix special

Rijstvermicelli bowl met gegrilde kippendij, traditionele kip loempia en garnalen, geserveerd met sla, komkommer, gezuurde wortel radijs, koriander, gebakken ui en pinda's

€ 14,95
Rijstvermicelli met runder gehakt

Rijstvermicelli bowl met gegrilde runder gehakt met citroengras geserveerd met sla, komkommer, gezuurde wortel en radijs, koriander, gebakken ui en pinda's

€ 12,95
Rijstvermicelli met varkens karbonade

Rijstvermicelli bowl met gegrilde varkens karbonade met citroengras geserveerd met sla, komkommer, gezuurde wortel en radijs, koriander, gebakken ui en pinda's

€ 12,95
Rijstvermicelli met tofu

Rijstvermicelli bowl met tofu en paddenstoelen geserveerd met sla, komkommer, gezuurde wortel en radijs, koriander, gebakken ui en pinda's

€ 12,95
Rijstvermicelli met garnalen

Rijstvermicelli bowl met gegrilde garnalen met citroengras geserveerd met sla, komkommer, gezuurde wortel en radijs, koriander, gebakken ui en pinda's

€ 13,95

Witte rijst bowls

Witte rijst met varkens karbonade

Witte rijst bowl met gegrilde varkens karbonade met citroengras geserveerd met sla, komkommer, gezuurde wortel en radijs, koriander, gebakken ui

€ 12,95
Witte rijst met garnalen

Witte rijst bowl met gegrilde garnalen met citroengras geserveerd met sla, komkommer, gezuurde wortel en radijs, koriander, gebakken ui en pinda's

€ 13,95
Witte rijst mix special

Witte rijst bowl met gegrilde kippendij, traditionele kip loempia en garnalen, geserveerd met sla, komkommer, gezuurde wortel en radijs, koriander, gebakken ui en pinda's

€ 14,95
Witte rijst met kippendij

Witte rijst bowl met gegrilde kippendij met limoenblad geserveerd met sla, komkommer, gezuurde wortel en radijs, koriander, gebakken ui en pinda's

€ 12,95
Witte rijst met runder gehakt

Witte rijst bowl met gegrilde runder gehakt met citroengras geserveerd met sla, komkommer, gezuurde wortel en radijs, koriander, gebakken ui en pinda's

€ 12,95
Witte rijst met tofu

Witte rijst bowl met tofu en paddenstoelen geserveerd met sla, komkommer, gezuurde wortel en radijs, koriander, gebakken ui en pinda's

€ 12,95


Papaja salade

Groene papaja salade met wortel, ui, verse kruiden en gecrushte pinda's met een frisse dressing van tamarinde

€ 8,95
Mango salade

Mango salade met wortel, koolrabi, ui, verse kruiden en een dressing van vissaus

€ 8,95


Goi cuon met tijgergarnalen

Twee lenterollen gevuld met tijgergarnalen, rijstvermicelli, sla, komkommer, wortel, koriander en verse munt

€ 8,50
Goi cuon met tofu

Twee lenterollen gevuld met tofu, paddenstoelen, rijstvermicelli, sla, komkommer, wortel, koriander en verse munt

€ 7,75
Goi cuon met kippendij

Twee lenterollen gevuld met kippendij met limoenblad, rijstvermicelli, sla, komkommer, wortel, koriander en verse munt

€ 7,75
Goi cuon met varkens karbonade

Twee lenterollen gevuld met varkens karbonade met citroengras, rijstvermicelli, sla, komkommer, wortel, koriander en verse munt

€ 7,75
Goi cuon met runder gehakt

Twee lenterollen gevuld met runder gehakt met citroengras, rijstvermicelli, sla, komkommer, wortel, koriander en verse munt

€ 7,75


Nem kip loempia's

Drie stuks traditionele kip loempia's geserveerd met vissaus

€ 5,95
Butterfly garnalen

5 stuks butterfly garnalen

€ 4,95
Mini loempia's

Acht stuks veganistisch mini loempia's geserveerd met chilisaus

€ 4,75
Nem vegan loempia's

Drie stuks traditionele veganistisch loempia's geserveerd met vissaus

€ 5,95
Fruit loempia

Twee stuks loempia's met banaan en Jackfruit

€ 4,95
Kip loempia's

Twee stuks kip loempia's geserveerd met chilisaus

€ 4,95
Special mix loempia

Vier vegan mini loempia's, twee traditionele vegan loempia's, twee fruit loempia's

€ 9,95


Sticky rice banana

Gestoomde kleefrijst met banaan en zwarte bonen in pandanblad. Geserveerd met een kokossausje met pinda en sesam topping

€ 5,50


Young coconut juice

€ 3,00
Pink guave juice

€ 3,00
Winter melon juice

€ 3,00
Calamansi citrus juice

€ 3,00

€ 3,00
Coca-Cola zero

€ 3,00
Fuze Tea mango

€ 3,00
Fuze Tea perzik

€ 3,00
Fuze Tea green

€ 3,00
Fanta orange

€ 3,00
Coca-Cola light

€ 3,00
Fanta cassis

€ 3,00

€ 3,00
Chaudfontaine rood

€ 3,00
Chaudfontaine blauw

€ 3,00


Bitterballen 10 stuks

€ 5,50
Kipnuggets 10 stuks

€ 5,50
Champignonballen 10 stuks

€ 5,50
Vega logo
Vegetarische borrelsnacks 10 stuks

€ 5,50
Mini snacks 10 stuks

€ 5,50

Verse snacks

Crispy Garnalen

8 stuks

€ 6,50
Vegan logo
Gyoza Groente (Vegan)

groente pastei (5 stuks)

€ 4,50
Gyoza Kip

Kip en groente pastei (5 stuks)

€ 4,50
Vega logo
Mini Loempia

8 stuks, vegetarisch

€ 3,50
Vega logo
Crispy Uien Ringen

8 stuks, vegetarisch

€ 4,50
Vega logo
Gebakken Courgette

Courgette met knoflook en sojasaus

€ 4,50
Vegan logo

Falafel (8 stuks) & Gyoza (groente, 8 stuks)

€ 7,00
Vega logo

Gyoza (groente, 8 stuks), Uienringen (8 stuks) & Mini loempia's (8 stuks)

€ 11,00
Snackbox 1

Gyoza (kip, 8 stuks), Uienringen (8 stuks) & Mini loempia's (8 stuks)

€ 11,00
Snackbox 2

Gyoza (kip, 8 stuks), Uienringen (8 stuks), Mini loempia's (8 stuks) & Crispy garnalen (8stuks)

€ 17,50

Verse nachos


Verse nacho chips

€ 2,50
Nachos & Dip

Verse nacho chips met dip

€ 4,00
Nachos, Guacamole & Dip

Verse nacho chips met zelfgemaakte guacamole & dip

€ 5,50

Chidoz' famous home-made guacamole

€ 2,00

€ 1,50


Duyvis Borrelnootjes cocktail (450 gram)

€ 4,15
Duyvis Borrelnootjes provencale (450 gram)

€ 4,15
Lays naturel chips (300 gram)

€ 3,15
Lays paprika chips (300 gram)

€ 3,15

Je bestelling


Jouw bestelling

product_id: 6061400-01
shop_id: 6061400
shop_product_id: 6061400-01
title: Explosive Mango | Spicy!
product_id: 6061400-02
shop_id: 6061400
shop_product_id: 6061400-02
title: Killer Smokey Chipotle | Medium-Spicy
product_id: 6061400-03
shop_id: 6061400
shop_product_id: 6061400-03
title: Creamy Chipotle Mayo | Mild - Niet vegan
product_id: 6061400-04
shop_id: 6061400
shop_product_id: 6061400-04
title: Fresh Salsa Verde | Mild
product_id: 6061400-05
shop_id: 6061400
shop_product_id: 6061400-05
title: Booming Basilicum | Niet vegan
product_id: 6061400-06
shop_id: 6061400
shop_product_id: 6061400-06
title: Tasty Tomato | Niet vegan
product_id: 6061400-07
shop_id: 6061400
shop_product_id: 6061400-07
title: Vlees
product_id: 6061400-08
shop_id: 6061400
shop_product_id: 6061400-08
title: Vega
product_id: 6061500-01
shop_id: 6061500
shop_product_id: 6061500-01
title: Normale maaltijd (ong. 300 gram)
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6061500-02
shop_id: 6061500
shop_product_id: 6061500-02
title: Grote maaltijd (ong. 500 gram)
price: € 2,50
product_id: 6061600-01
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-01
title: White Flour Tortilla
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6061600-02
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-02
title: Wholemeal Tortilla
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6061600-03
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-03
title: White Rice
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6061600-04
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-04
title: Power Black Rice
price: € 0,50
product_id: 6061600-05
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-05
title: No Rice
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6061600-06
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-06
title: Chicken
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6061600-07
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-07
title: Beef
price: € 0,45
product_id: 6061600-08
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-08
title: Pork
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6061600-09
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-09
title: Sweet Potato
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6061600-10
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-10
title: Goat Cheese
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6061600-11
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-11
title: Vegan Minced Meat - Pulled Oats
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6061600-12
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-12
title: Extra Chicken
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6061600-13
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-13
title: Extra Beef
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6061600-14
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-14
title: Extra Pork
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6061600-15
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-15
title: Extra Sweet Potato
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6061600-16
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-16
title: Extra Goat Cheese
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6061600-17
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-17
title: Extra Vegan Minced Meat
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6061600-18
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-18
title: NO Black Beans!!
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6061600-19
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-19
title: NO Pico de Gallo!!
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6061600-20
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-20
title: NO Corn!!
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6061600-21
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-21
title: NO Grated Cheese!!
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6061600-22
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-22
title: NO Lettuce!!
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6061600-23
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-23
title: Grilled Veggies
price: € 0,75
product_id: 6061600-24
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-24
title: Guacamole
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6061600-25
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-25
title: Pineapple
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6061600-26
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-26
title: Coriander
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6061600-27
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-27
title: Spring Onion
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6061600-28
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-28
title: Jalapeños
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6061600-29
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-29
title: Explosive Mango | Spicy!
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6061600-30
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-30
title: Killer Smokey Chipotle | Medium-Spicy
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6061600-31
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-30
title: Creamy Chipotle Mayo | Mild - Niet vegan
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6061600-32
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-32
title: Fresh Salsa Verde | Mild
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6061600-33
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-33
title: Booming Basilicum | Niet vegan
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6061600-34
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-34
title: Tasty Tomato | Niet vegan
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6061600-35
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-35
title: Explosive Mango ERNAAST
price: € 1,25
product_id: 6061600-36
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-36
title: Killer Smokey Chipotle ERNAAST
price: € 1,25
product_id: 6061600-37
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-37
title: Creamy Chipotle Mayo ERNAAST
price: € 1,25
product_id: 6061600-38
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-38
title: Fresh Salsa Verde ERNAAST
price: € 1,25
product_id: 6061600-39
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-39
title: Booming Basilicum ERNAAST
price: € 1,25
product_id: 6061600-40
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-40
title: Tasty Tomato ERNAAST
price: € 1,25
product_id: 6061600-41
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-41
title: Fritz Kola
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6061600-42
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-42
title: Fritz Kola-Light
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6061600-43
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-43
title: Fritz Appel-Kers
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6061600-44
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-44
title: Fritz Limo Citroen
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6061600-45
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-45
title: Fritz Limo Sinaas
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6061600-46
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-46
title: Fritz Sparkling Apple
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6061600-47
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-47
title: Fritz Rhabarber
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6061600-48
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-48
title: Lipton Green
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6061600-49
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-49
title: Lipton Green Zero
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6061600-50
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-50
title: Lipton Peach
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6061600-51
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-51
title: Lipton Sparkling
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6061600-52
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-52
title: Marie Stella Maris Naturel
price: € 2,75
product_id: 6061600-53
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-53
title: Marie Stella Maris Bruis
price: € 2,75
product_id: 6061600-54
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-54
title: Appelsap
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6061600-55
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-55
title: Nacho's (side)
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6061600-56
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-56
title: Nacho's & Dip
price: € 3,00
product_id: 6061600-57
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-57
title: Nacho's, Guacamole & Dip
price: € 4,50
product_id: 6061600-58
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-58
title: Guacamole (side)
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6061600-59
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-59
title: Jalapeños (side)
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6061600-60
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-60
title: Pico de Gallo (side)
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6061600-61
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-61
title: Grated Cheese (side)
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6061600-62
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-62
title: EXTRA Flour Tortilla
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6061600-63
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-63
title: Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough (100ml)
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6061600-64
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-64
title: Ben & Jerry's Strawberry Cheesecake (100ml)
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6061600-65
shop_id: 6061600
shop_product_id: 6061600-65
title: Ben & Jerry's Caramel Chew Chew (100ml)
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6179800-01
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-01
title: White Flour Tortilla
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6179800-02
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-02
title: Wholemeal Tortilla
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6179800-03
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-03
title: White Rice
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6179800-04
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-04
title: Power Black Rice
price: € 0,50
product_id: 6179800-05
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-05
title: No Rice
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6179800-06
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-06
title: Chicken
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6179800-07
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-07
title: Beef
price: € 0,45
product_id: 6179800-08
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-08
title: Pork
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6179800-09
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-09
title: Sweet Potato
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6179800-10
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-10
title: Goat Cheese
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6179800-11
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-11
title: Vegan Minced Meat - Pulled Oats
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6179800-12
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-12
title: Extra Chicken
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6179800-13
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-13
title: Extra Beef
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6179800-14
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-14
title: Extra Pork
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6179800-15
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-15
title: Extra Sweet Potato
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6179800-16
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-16
title: Extra Goat Cheese
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6179800-17
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-17
title: Extra Vegan Minced Meat
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6179800-18
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-18
title: NO Black Beans!!
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6179800-19
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-19
title: NO Pico de Gallo!!
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6179800-20
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-20
title: NO Corn!!
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6179800-21
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-21
title: NO Grated Cheese!!
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6179800-22
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-22
title: NO Lettuce!!
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6179800-23
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-23
title: Grilled Veggies
price: € 0,75
product_id: 6179800-24
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-24
title: Guacamole
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6179800-25
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-25
title: Pineapple
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6179800-26
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-26
title: Coriander
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6179800-27
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-27
title: Spring Onion
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6179800-28
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-28
title: Jalapeños
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6179800-29
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-29
title: Explosive Mango | Spicy!
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6179800-30
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-30
title: Killer Smokey Chipotle | Medium-Spicy
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6179800-31
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-30
title: Creamy Chipotle Mayo | Mild - Niet vegan
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6179800-32
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-32
title: Fresh Salsa Verde | Mild
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6179800-33
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-33
title: Booming Basilicum | Niet vegan
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6179800-34
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-34
title: Tasty Tomato | Niet vegan
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6179800-35
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-35
title: Explosive Mango ERNAAST
price: € 1,25
product_id: 6179800-36
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-36
title: Killer Smokey Chipotle ERNAAST
price: € 1,25
product_id: 6179800-37
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-37
title: Creamy Chipotle Mayo ERNAAST
price: € 1,25
product_id: 6179800-38
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-38
title: Fresh Salsa Verde ERNAAST
price: € 1,25
product_id: 6179800-39
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-39
title: Booming Basilicum ERNAAST
price: € 1,25
product_id: 6179800-40
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-40
title: Tasty Tomato ERNAAST
price: € 1,25
product_id: 6179800-41
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-41
title: Fritz Kola
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6179800-42
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-42
title: Fritz Kola-Light
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6179800-43
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-43
title: Fritz Appel-Kers
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6179800-44
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-44
title: Fritz Limo Citroen
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6179800-45
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-45
title: Fritz Limo Sinaas
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6179800-46
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-46
title: Fritz Sparkling Apple
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6179800-47
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-47
title: Fritz Rhabarber
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6179800-48
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-48
title: Lipton Green
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6179800-49
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-49
title: Lipton Green Zero
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6179800-50
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-50
title: Lipton Peach
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6179800-51
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-51
title: Lipton Sparkling
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6179800-52
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-52
title: Marie Stella Maris Naturel
price: € 2,75
product_id: 6179800-53
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-53
title: Marie Stella Maris Bruis
price: € 2,75
product_id: 6179800-54
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-54
title: Appelsap
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6179800-55
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-55
title: Nacho's (side)
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6179800-56
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-56
title: Nacho's & Dip
price: € 3,00
product_id: 6179800-57
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-57
title: Nacho's, Guacamole & Dip
price: € 4,50
product_id: 6179800-58
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-58
title: Guacamole (side)
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6179800-59
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-59
title: Jalapeños (side)
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6179800-60
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-60
title: Pico de Gallo (side)
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6179800-61
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-61
title: Grated Cheese (side)
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6179800-62
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-62
title: EXTRA Flour Tortilla
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6179800-63
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-63
title: Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough (100ml)
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6179800-64
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-64
title: Ben & Jerry's Strawberry Cheesecake (100ml)
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6179800-65
shop_id: 6179800
shop_product_id: 6179800-65
title: Ben & Jerry's Caramel Chew Chew (100ml)
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6180000-01
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-01
title: Extra geitenkaas
price: € 1,75
product_id: 6180000-02
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-02
title: Extra walnoten
price: € 0,95
product_id: 6180000-03
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-03
title: Avocado
price: € 1,25
product_id: 6180000-04
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-04
title: Gekookt ei
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6180000-07
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-07
title: Curry
price: € 0,75
product_id: 6180000-08
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-08
title: Korean BBQ
price: € 0,75
product_id: 6180000-09
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-09
title: Mosterdmayonaise
price: € 0,75
product_id: 6180000-10
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-10
title: Truffelmayo
price: € 0,75
product_id: 6180000-11
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-11
title: Ketchup
price: € 0,75
product_id: 6180000-12
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-12
title: Mayonaise (vegan)
price: € 0,75
product_id: 6180000-13
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-13
title: Sweet chili
price: € 0,75
product_id: 6180000-14
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-14
title: Truffelmayo (vegan)
price: € 1,25
product_id: 6180000-15
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-15
title: Sushirijst (lauwwarm)
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6180000-16
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-16
title: Marokkaanse Couscous
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6180000-17
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-17
title: Quinoa
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6180000-18
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-18
title: Slamix
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6180000-19
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-19
title: Middel
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6180000-20
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-20
title: Groot
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6180000-21
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-21
title: Hoisin
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6180000-22
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-22
title: Poké saus
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6180000-23
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-23
title: Sesam-soja vinaigrette
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6180000-24
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-24
title: Sojasaus
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6180000-25
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-25
title: Sweet chili
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6180000-26
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-26
title: Teriyaki
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6180000-27
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-27
title: Avocado
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6180000-28
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-28
title: Extra biefstukpuntjes
price: € 2,75
product_id: 6180000-29
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-29
title: Extra geroosterde kip
price: € 2,50
product_id: 6180000-30
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-30
title: Extra verse zalm
price: € 2,50
product_id: 6180000-31
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-31
title: Wakame
price: € 1,25
product_id: 6180000-32
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-32
title: Extra crispy chicken
price: € 2,50
product_id: 6180000-33
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-33
title: Extra stickey tempeh
price: € 2,50
product_id: 6180000-34
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-34
title: Marokkaanse Couscous
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6180000-35
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-35
title: Sushirijst (lauwwarm)
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6180000-36
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-36
title: Quinoa
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6180000-37
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-37
title: Extra moerbeibessen
price: € 1,25
product_id: 6180000-38
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-38
title: Extra balsamico
price: € 0,50
product_id: 6180000-39
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-39
title: Extra bijenpollen
price: € 0,95
product_id: 6180000-40
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-40
title: Double burger
price: € 2,15
product_id: 6180000-41
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-41
title: Cheddar (niet vegan)
price: € 0,95
product_id: 6180000-42
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-42
title: Avocado
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6180000-43
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-43
title: Cheddar (vegan)
price: € 1,05
product_id: 6180000-44
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-44
title: Bacon (niet vegan)
price: € 0,95
product_id: 6180000-45
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-45
title: Jalapeños
price: € 0,65
product_id: 6180000-46
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-46
title: Crunchy sweet potato wedges
price: € 4,50
product_id: 6180000-47
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-47
title: Crunchy chili avocado
price: € 4,50
product_id: 6180000-48
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-48
title: Klein (300 ml)
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6180000-49
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-49
title: Middel (400 ml)
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6180000-50
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-50
title: Aardbei Eiwitpoeder (vegan)
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6180000-51
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-51
title: Banaan Eiwitpoeder (vegan)
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6180000-52
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-52
title: Perzik/Mango Eiwitpoeder (vegan)
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6182000-01
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-01
title: Romaine sla
product_id: 6182000-02
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-02
title: Gemengde sla
product_id: 6182000-03
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-03
title: Gemengde sla met rucola
product_id: 6182000-04
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-04
title: Pasta
product_id: 6182000-05
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-05
title: Pasta en gemengde sla
product_id: 6182000-06
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-06
title: Pasta met rucola
product_id: 6182000-07
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-07
title: Spinazie
product_id: 6182000-08
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-08
title: Gyoza veggie (vegan)
product_id: 6182000-09
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-09
title: Tofu (vegan)
product_id: 6182000-10
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-10
title: Crispy uien
product_id: 6182000-11
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-11
title: Crispy kip (halal)
product_id: 6182000-12
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-12
title: Falafel (vegan)
product_id: 6182000-13
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-13
title: Crispy garnalen
product_id: 6182000-14
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-14
title: Gyoza kip
product_id: 6182000-15
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-15
title: Gebakken kip (koud, halal)
product_id: 6182000-16
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-16
title: Zeewier (wakame) (bevat sesame, soja, tarwe)
product_id: 6182000-17
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-17
title: Rozijnen
product_id: 6182000-18
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-18
title: Wortel
product_id: 6182000-19
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-19
title: Cherry tomaten
product_id: 6182000-20
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-20
title: Zongedroogde tomaten
product_id: 6182000-21
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-21
title: Zwarte bonen
product_id: 6182000-22
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-22
title: Paprika
product_id: 6182000-23
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-23
title: Komkommer
product_id: 6182000-24
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-24
title: Edamama (sojabonen)
product_id: 6182000-25
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-25
title: Olijven
product_id: 6182000-26
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-26
title: Surimi
product_id: 6182000-27
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-27
title: Augurken
product_id: 6182000-28
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-28
title: Kikkererwten
product_id: 6182000-29
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-29
title: Bosuien
product_id: 6182000-30
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-30
title: Rode uien
product_id: 6182000-31
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-30
title: Mais
product_id: 6182000-32
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-32
title: Avocado
product_id: 6182000-33
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-33
title: Ei
product_id: 6182000-34
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-34
title: Jalapeno
product_id: 6182000-35
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-35
title: Courgette
product_id: 6182000-36
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-36
title: Ananas
product_id: 6182000-37
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-37
title: Zoetzure komkommer
product_id: 6182000-38
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-38
title: Zure rode uien
product_id: 6182000-39
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-39
title: Appel
product_id: 6182000-40
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-40
title: Geen
product_id: 6182000-41
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-41
title: Pompoen en zonnebloempitten
product_id: 6182000-42
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-42
title: Croutons (bevat tarwe, gluten, lactose)
product_id: 6182000-43
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-43
title: Pinda's (ongezouten)
product_id: 6182000-44
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-44
title: Gebakken uitjes (bevat tarwe)
product_id: 6182000-45
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-45
title: Feta
product_id: 6182000-46
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-46
title: Grana padano
product_id: 6182000-47
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-47
title: Mozarella
product_id: 6182000-48
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-48
title: Honing mosterd (bevat mosterd)
product_id: 6182000-49
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-49
title: Mango curry (bevat ei, mosterd)
product_id: 6182000-50
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-50
title: Spicy mayo
product_id: 6182000-51
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-51
title: Teriyaki (bevat soja, gluten)
product_id: 6182000-52
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-52
title: Knoflook (bevat selderij, mosterd, ei)
product_id: 6182000-53
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-53
title: Bacon (vega, bevat ei, mosterd)
product_id: 6182000-54
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-54
title: Sweet & sour (bevat selderij)
product_id: 6182000-55
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-55
title: Caesar (bevat lactose, ei)
product_id: 6182000-56
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-56
title: 1000 islands (bevat melk, mosterd, ei)
product_id: 6182000-57
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-57
title: Tuinkruiden
product_id: 6182000-58
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-58
title: Yoghurt (bevat lactose, ei, mosterd)
product_id: 6182000-59
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-59
title: Balsamico
product_id: 6182000-60
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-60
title: Limoensap
product_id: 6182000-61
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-61
title: Extra virgin olijfolie
product_id: 6182000-62
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-62
title: Sirracha
product_id: 6182000-63
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-63
title: Aardbei
product_id: 6182000-64
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-64
title: Mango
product_id: 6182000-65
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-65
title: Watermeloen
product_id: 6182000-66
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-66
title: Aardbei
product_id: 6182000-67
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-67
title: Mango
product_id: 6182000-68
shop_id: 6182000
shop_product_id: 6182000-68
title: Lychee
product_id: 6057500-01
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-01
title: White Flour Tortilla
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6057500-02
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-02
title: Wholemeal Tortilla
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6057500-03
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-03
title: White Rice
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6057500-04
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-04
title: Power Black Rice
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6057500-05
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-05
title: No Rice
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6057500-06
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-06
title: Chicken
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6057500-07
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-07
title: Beef
price: € 0,80
product_id: 6057500-08
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-08
title: Pork
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6057500-09
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-09
title: Sweet Potato
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6057500-10
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-10
title: Goat Cheese
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6057500-11
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-11
title: Vegan Minced Meat - Pulled Oats
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6057500-12
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-12
title: Extra Chicken
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6057500-13
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-13
title: Extra Beef
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6057500-14
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-14
title: Extra Pork
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6057500-15
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-15
title: Extra Sweet Potato
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6057500-16
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-16
title: Extra Goat Cheese
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6057500-17
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-17
title: Extra Vegan Minced Meat
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6057500-18
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-18
title: NO Black Beans!!
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6057500-19
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-19
title: NO Pico de Gallo!!
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6057500-20
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-20
title: NO Corn!!
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6057500-21
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-21
title: NO Grated Cheese!!
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6057500-22
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-22
title: NO Lettuce!!
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6057500-23
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-23
title: Grilled Veggies
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6057500-24
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-24
title: Guacamole
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6057500-25
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-25
title: Pineapple
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6057500-26
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-26
title: Coriander
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6057500-27
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-27
title: Spring Onion
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6057500-28
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-28
title: Jalapeños
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6057500-29
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-29
title: Explosive Mango | Spicy!
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6057500-30
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-30
title: Killer Smokey Chipotle | Medium-Spicy
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6057500-31
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-30
title: Creamy Chipotle Mayo | Mild - Niet vegan
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6057500-32
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-32
title: Fresh Salsa Verde | Mild
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6057500-33
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-33
title: Booming Basilicum | Niet vegan
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6057500-34
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-34
title: Tasty Tomato | Niet vegan
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6057500-35
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-35
title: Explosive Mango ERNAAST
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6057500-36
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-36
title: Killer Smokey Chipotle ERNAAST
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6057500-37
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-37
title: Creamy Chipotle Mayo ERNAAST
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6057500-38
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-38
title: Fresh Salsa Verde ERNAAST
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6057500-39
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-39
title: Booming Basilicum ERNAAST
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6057500-40
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-40
title: Tasty Tomato ERNAAST
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6057500-41
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-41
title: Fritz Kola
price: € 3,75
product_id: 6057500-42
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-42
title: Fritz Kola-Light
price: € 3,75
product_id: 6057500-43
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-43
title: Fritz Appel-Kers
price: € 3,75
product_id: 6057500-44
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-44
title: Fritz Limo Citroen
price: € 3,75
product_id: 6057500-45
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-45
title: Fritz Limo Sinaas
price: € 3,75
product_id: 6057500-46
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-46
title: Fritz Sparkling Apple
price: € 3,75
product_id: 6057500-47
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-47
title: Fritz Rhabarber
price: € 3,75
product_id: 6057500-48
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-48
title: Lipton Green
price: € 3,75
product_id: 6057500-49
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-49
title: Lipton Green Zero
price: € 3,75
product_id: 6057500-50
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-50
title: Lipton Peach
price: € 3,75
product_id: 6057500-51
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-51
title: Lipton Sparkling
price: € 3,75
product_id: 6057500-52
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-52
title: Marie Stella Maris Naturel
price: € 2,95
product_id: 6057500-53
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-53
title: Marie Stella Maris Bruis
price: € 2,95
product_id: 6057500-54
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-54
title: Appelsap
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6057500-55
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-55
title: Nacho's (side)
price: € 2,50
product_id: 6057500-56
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-56
title: Nacho's & Dip
price: € 3,00
product_id: 6057500-57
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-57
title: Nacho's, Guacamole & Dip
price: € 4,50
product_id: 6057500-58
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-58
title: Guacamole (side)
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6057500-59
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-59
title: Jalapeños (side)
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6057500-60
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-60
title: Pico de Gallo (side)
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6057500-61
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-61
title: Grated Cheese (side)
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6057500-62
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-62
title: EXTRA Flour Tortilla
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6057500-63
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-63
title: Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough (100ml)
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6057500-64
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-64
title: Ben & Jerry's Strawberry Cheesecake (100ml)
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6057500-65
shop_id: 6057500
shop_product_id: 6057500-65
title: Ben & Jerry's Caramel Chew Chew (100ml)
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6057600-01
shop_id: 6057600
shop_product_id: 6057600-01
title: Kip
product_id: 6057600-02
shop_id: 6057600
shop_product_id: 6057600-02
title: Vegetarisch
product_id: 6057600-03
shop_id: 6057600
shop_product_id: 6057600-03
title: Vis
product_id: 6057600-04
shop_id: 6057600
shop_product_id: 6057600-04
title: Garnalen
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6057600-05
shop_id: 6057600
shop_product_id: 6057600-05
title: Tahoe (vegetarian)
product_id: 6057600-06
shop_id: 6057600
shop_product_id: 6057600-06
title: Extra rijst
price: € 2,50
product_id: 6057600-07
shop_id: 6057600
shop_product_id: 6057600-07
title: Varkensfilet
product_id: 6057600-08
shop_id: 6057600
shop_product_id: 6057600-08
title: Ossenhaas
product_id: 6057600-09
shop_id: 6057600
shop_product_id: 6057600-09
title: Biefstuk
product_id: 6057600-10
shop_id: 6057600
shop_product_id: 6057600-10
title: Geen extra rijst
product_id: 6060700-01
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-01
title: Klein
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6060700-02
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-02
title: Groot
price: € 1,10
product_id: 6060700-03
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-03
title: Groot
price: € 1,15
product_id: 6060700-04
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-04
title: Groot
price: € 1,25
product_id: 6060700-05
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-05
title: Groot
price: € 1,45
product_id: 6060700-06
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-06
title: Avocado
price: € 1,20
product_id: 6060700-07
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-07
title: Groene pesto
price: € 0,85
product_id: 6060700-08
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-08
title: Gesmolten cheddar
price: € 0,85
product_id: 6060700-09
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-09
title: Gesmolten kaas
price: € 0,85
product_id: 6060700-10
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-10
title: Wit desem
product_id: 6060700-11
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-11
title: Alles desem
product_id: 6060700-12
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-12
title: Sesam desem
product_id: 6060700-13
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-13
title: Volkoren
product_id: 6060700-14
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-14
title: Tomaat
product_id: 6060700-15
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-15
title: Kaneel-rozijn
product_id: 6060700-16
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-16
title: Oathie
price: € 0,50
product_id: 6060700-17
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-17
title: Glutenvrij - sporen mag (geen allergie)
price: € 0,90
product_id: 6060700-18
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-18
title: Glutenvrij - geen sporen, ik ben allergisch!
price: € 0,90
product_id: 6060700-19
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-19
title: Naturel creamcheese (vegan)
product_id: 6060700-20
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-20
title: Walnoot-honing creamcheese
product_id: 6060700-21
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-21
title: Bieslook creamcheese (vegan)
product_id: 6060700-22
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-22
title: Pesto-zontomaat creamcheese (vegan)
product_id: 6060700-23
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-23
title: Thai sweet chili creamcheese (vegan)
product_id: 6060700-24
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-24
title: Wit desem
price: € 1,80
product_id: 6060700-25
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-25
title: Alles desem
price: € 1,80
product_id: 6060700-26
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-26
title: Sesam desem
price: € 1,80
product_id: 6060700-27
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-27
title: Volkoren
price: € 1,80
product_id: 6060700-28
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-28
title: Tomaat
price: € 1,80
product_id: 6060700-29
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-29
title: Kaneel-rozijn
price: € 1,80
product_id: 6060700-30
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-30
title: Oathie
price: € 1,95
product_id: 6060700-31
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-31
title: Glutenvrij - sporen mag (geen allergie)
price: € 2,05
product_id: 6060700-32
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-32
title: Glutenvrij - geen sporen, ik ben allergisch!
price: € 2,05
product_id: 6060700-33
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-33
title: Naturel creamcheese (vegan)
price: € 0,80
product_id: 6060700-34
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-34
title: Walnoot-honing creamcheese
price: € 0,80
product_id: 6060700-35
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-35
title: Bieslook creamcheese (vegan)
price: € 0,80
product_id: 6060700-36
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-36
title: Pesto-zontomaat creamcheese (vegan)
price: € 0,80
product_id: 6060700-37
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-37
title: Thai sweet chili creamcheese (vegan)
price: € 0,80
product_id: 6060700-38
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-38
title: Wel bestek
product_id: 6060700-39
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-39
title: Geen bestek
product_id: 6060700-40
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-40
title: Afgebakken
product_id: 6060700-41
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-41
title: Bevroren
product_id: 6060700-42
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-42
title: Niets extra
product_id: 6060700-43
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-43
title: Caramelsiroop
price: € 0,60
product_id: 6060700-44
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-44
title: Hazelnootsiroop
price: € 0,60
product_id: 6060700-45
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-45
title: Vanillesiroop
price: € 0,60
product_id: 6060700-46
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-46
title: Slagroom
price: € 0,55
product_id: 6060700-47
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-47
title: Glutenvrij - sporen mag (geen allergie)
product_id: 6060700-48
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-48
title: Glutenvrij - geen sporen, ik ben allergisch!
product_id: 6060700-51
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-51
title: Haverdrink
price: € 0,30
product_id: 6060700-52
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-52
title: Kokosdrink
price: € 0,30
product_id: 6060700-53
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-53
title: Sojadrink
price: € 0,30
product_id: 6060700-54
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-54
title: Extra cheddar
price: € 1,20
product_id: 6060700-55
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-55
title: Vegan cheddar
product_id: 6060700-56
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-56
title: Non-vegan cheddar
product_id: 6060700-57
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-57
title: Vega kip
product_id: 6060700-58
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-58
title: Non-vega kip
product_id: 6060700-59
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-59
title: Extra parmezaan
price: € 0,85
product_id: 6060700-60
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-60
title: Extra kip
price: € 1,45
product_id: 6060700-61
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-61
title: Extra pompoenspread
price: € 0,85
product_id: 6060700-62
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-62
title: Extra geitenkaas
price: € 0,85
product_id: 6060700-63
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-63
title: Extra pintobonenpasta
price: € 1,15
product_id: 6060700-64
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-64
title: Extra boetweitmix
price: € 1,45
product_id: 6060700-65
shop_id: 6060700
shop_product_id: 6060700-65
title: Extra quinoamix
price: € 1,45
product_id: 6060800-01
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-01
title: Wel getoast
product_id: 6060800-02
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-02
title: Niet getoast
product_id: 6060800-03
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-03
title: Wit Brood
product_id: 6060800-04
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-04
title: Bruin Broad
product_id: 6060800-05
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-05
title: Sesam (wit)
product_id: 6060800-06
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-06
title: Italian Cheese & Herbs (wit)
product_id: 6060800-07
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-07
title: Meerzaden (bruin)
product_id: 6060800-08
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-08
title: Peperjack kaas
product_id: 6060800-09
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-09
title: Zonder kaas
product_id: 6060800-10
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-10
title: American (smeltkaas)
product_id: 6060800-11
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-11
title: Mozzarella cheddar mix
product_id: 6060800-12
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-12
title: Cheddar kaas
product_id: 6060800-13
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-13
title: Extra kaas
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6060800-14
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-14
title: Dubbel vlees
price: € 1,25
product_id: 6060800-15
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-15
title: Pepperoni
price: € 1,20
product_id: 6060800-16
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-16
title: Extra Bacon
price: € 1,20
product_id: 6060800-17
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-17
title: Avocado
price: € 1,20
product_id: 6060800-18
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-18
title: Sla
product_id: 6060800-19
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-19
title: Komkommer
product_id: 6060800-20
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-20
title: Groene Paprika
product_id: 6060800-21
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-21
title: Rode Uien
product_id: 6060800-22
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-22
title: Tomaat
product_id: 6060800-23
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-23
title: Augurk
product_id: 6060800-24
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-24
title: Zwarte Olijven
product_id: 6060800-25
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-25
title: Jalapeno Peppers
product_id: 6060800-26
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-26
title: Geen saus
product_id: 6060800-27
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-27
title: Whole Grain Honey Mustard
product_id: 6060800-28
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-28
title: Chipotle Southwest (pittige cocktail)
product_id: 6060800-29
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-29
title: Sweet Onion
product_id: 6060800-30
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-30
title: Hickory Smoked BBQ
product_id: 6060800-31
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-31
title: Light Mayo
product_id: 6060800-32
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-32
title: Sweet Chili
product_id: 6060800-33
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-33
title: Vegan garlic aioli
product_id: 6060800-34
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-34
title: Feta
product_id: 6060800-35
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-35
title: Gebakken uitjes
product_id: 6060800-36
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-36
title: Toasted seeds
product_id: 6060800-37
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-37
title: Chilivlokken
product_id: 6060800-38
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-38
title: Peper
product_id: 6060800-39
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-39
title: Zeezout
product_id: 6060800-40
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-40
title: Sourcy Mineraal Water
product_id: 6060800-41
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-41
title: Crystal Clear Lemon
product_id: 6060800-42
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-42
title: Vitaminw SY Mango / Guava
product_id: 6060800-43
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-43
title: Vitaminw SY Framboos / Granaatappel
product_id: 6060800-44
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-44
title: Rivella
product_id: 6060800-45
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-45
title: Pepsi Max
product_id: 6060800-46
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-46
title: Lipton Ice Tea Peaches
product_id: 6060800-47
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-47
title: Lipton Green Tea
product_id: 6060800-48
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-48
title: Lipton Ice Tea Sparkling
product_id: 6060800-49
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-49
title: Sisi Orange
product_id: 6060800-50
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-50
title: Pepsi Cola
product_id: 6060800-51
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-51
title: Melk
product_id: 6060800-52
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-52
title: 7up
product_id: 6060800-53
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-53
title: Sourcy Mineraal Water
price: € 3,15
product_id: 6060800-54
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-54
title: Crystal Clear Lemon
price: € 3,15
product_id: 6060800-55
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-55
title: Vitaminw SY Mango / Guava
price: € 3,15
product_id: 6060800-56
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-56
title: Vitaminw SY Framboos / Granaatappel
price: € 3,15
product_id: 6060800-57
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-57
title: Rivella
price: € 3,15
product_id: 6060800-58
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-58
title: Pepsi Max
price: € 3,15
product_id: 6060800-59
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-59
title: Lipton Ice Tea Peaches
price: € 3,15
product_id: 6060800-60
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-60
title: Lipton Green Tea
price: € 3,15
product_id: 6060800-61
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-61
title: Lipton Ice Tea Sparkling
price: € 3,15
product_id: 6060800-62
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-62
title: Sisi Orange
price: € 3,15
product_id: 6060800-63
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-63
title: Pepsi Cola
price: € 3,15
product_id: 6060800-64
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-64
title: Melk
price: € 3,15
product_id: 6060800-65
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-65
title: 7up
price: € 3,15
product_id: 6060800-66
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-66
title: Extra kaas
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6060800-67
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-67
title: Dubbel vlees
price: € 2,50
product_id: 6060800-68
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-68
title: Pepperoni
price: € 2,40
product_id: 6060800-69
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-69
title: Extra Bacon
price: € 2,40
product_id: 6060800-70
shop_id: 6060800
shop_product_id: 6060800-70
title: Avocado
price: € 2,40
product_id: 6060900-01
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-01
title: Klein
product_id: 6060900-02
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-02
title: Middel
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6060900-03
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-03
title: Middel
price: € 2,50
product_id: 6060900-04
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-04
title: Middel
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6060900-05
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-05
title: Groot
price: € 5,50
product_id: 6060900-06
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-06
title: Middel
price: € 0,40
product_id: 6060900-07
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-07
title: Middel
price: € 0,50
product_id: 6060900-08
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-08
title: Middel
price: € 0,60
product_id: 6060900-09
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-09
title: Groot
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6060900-10
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-10
title: Middel
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6060900-11
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-11
title: Groot
price: € 4,00
product_id: 6060900-12
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-12
title: 4 frikandellen
product_id: 6060900-13
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-13
title: 4 kroketten
product_id: 6060900-14
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-14
title: Zonder broodje
product_id: 6060900-15
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-15
title: Met broodje
price: € 1,20
product_id: 6060900-16
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-16
title: Geen saus
product_id: 6060900-17
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-17
title: Knoflooksaus
product_id: 6060900-18
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-18
title: Whiskeysaus
product_id: 6060900-19
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-19
title: Sambalsaus
product_id: 6060900-20
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-20
title: Chilisaus
product_id: 6060900-21
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-21
title: Mayonaise
product_id: 6060900-22
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-22
title: Ketchup
product_id: 6060900-23
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-23
title: Curry
product_id: 6060900-24
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-24
title: Satésaus
product_id: 6060900-25
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-25
title: Zonder extra's
product_id: 6060900-26
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-26
title: Extra kaas
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6060900-27
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-27
title: Extra vlees
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6060900-28
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-28
title: Extra vlees en kaas
price: € 2,50
product_id: 6060900-29
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-29
title: Geen drankje
product_id: 6060900-30
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-30
title: Aryan
price: € 2,20
product_id: 6060900-31
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-31
title: Coca-Cola
price: € 2,70
product_id: 6060900-32
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-32
title: Coca-Cola Zero
price: € 2,70
product_id: 6060900-33
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-33
title: Fanta orange
price: € 2,70
product_id: 6060900-34
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-34
title: 7-Up
price: € 3,00
product_id: 6060900-35
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-35
title: Fanta Cassis
price: € 2,60
product_id: 6060900-36
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-36
title: Fernandez Cherry
price: € 2,90
product_id: 6060900-37
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-37
title: Ice Tea Green
price: € 2,90
product_id: 6060900-38
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-38
title: Spa Blauw
price: € 2,70
product_id: 6060900-39
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-39
title: AA drink
price: € 2,90
product_id: 6060900-40
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-40
title: Red Bull
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6060900-41
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-41
title: Chocomel
price: € 3,00
product_id: 6060900-42
shop_id: 6060900
shop_product_id: 6060900-42
title: Fristi
price: € 3,00
product_id: 6061000-01
shop_id: 6061000
shop_product_id: 6061000-01
title: Salmon
price: € 2,75
product_id: 6061000-02
shop_id: 6061000
shop_product_id: 6061000-02
title: Fried Crispy Shrimps
price: € 2,75
product_id: 6061000-03
shop_id: 6061000
shop_product_id: 6061000-03
title: Fried Chicken
price: € 2,75
product_id: 6061000-04
shop_id: 6061000
shop_product_id: 6061000-04
title: Surumi Crab
price: € 2,75
product_id: 6061000-05
shop_id: 6061000
shop_product_id: 6061000-05
title: Advocado
price: € 2,75
product_id: 6061000-06
shop_id: 6061000
shop_product_id: 6061000-06
title: Masago Orange
product_id: 6061000-07
shop_id: 6061000
shop_product_id: 6061000-07
title: Masago Green
product_id: 6061000-08
shop_id: 6061000
shop_product_id: 6061000-08
title: Takuan
product_id: 6061000-09
shop_id: 6061000
shop_product_id: 6061000-09
title: Red onion
product_id: 6061000-10
shop_id: 6061000
shop_product_id: 6061000-10
title: Wakame seaweed
product_id: 6061000-11
shop_id: 6061000
shop_product_id: 6061000-11
title: Crispy corn
product_id: 6061000-12
shop_id: 6061000
shop_product_id: 6061000-12
title: Edamame beans
product_id: 6061000-13
shop_id: 6061000
shop_product_id: 6061000-13
title: Carrots
product_id: 6061000-14
shop_id: 6061000
shop_product_id: 6061000-14
title: Cucumber
product_id: 6061000-15
shop_id: 6061000
shop_product_id: 6061000-15
title: Mango
product_id: 6061000-16
shop_id: 6061000
shop_product_id: 6061000-16
title: Iceberg Lettuce
product_id: 6061000-17
shop_id: 6061000
shop_product_id: 6061000-17
title: Teriyaki sauce
product_id: 6061000-18
shop_id: 6061000
shop_product_id: 6061000-18
title: Wasabi mayo sauce
product_id: 6061000-19
shop_id: 6061000
shop_product_id: 6061000-19
title: Chilli mayo sauce
product_id: 6061000-20
shop_id: 6061000
shop_product_id: 6061000-20
title: Cocktail sauce
product_id: 6061000-21
shop_id: 6061000
shop_product_id: 6061000-21
title: Roasted sesame sauce
product_id: 6061000-22
shop_id: 6061000
shop_product_id: 6061000-22
title: Home made Sweet & Fresch sauce
product_id: 6061000-23
shop_id: 6061000
shop_product_id: 6061000-23
title: Roasted sesame seeds
product_id: 6061000-24
shop_id: 6061000
shop_product_id: 6061000-24
title: Fried onions
product_id: 6061000-25
shop_id: 6061000
shop_product_id: 6061000-25
title: Nori strips
product_id: 6061000-26
shop_id: 6061000
shop_product_id: 6061000-26
title: None
product_id: 6061000-27
shop_id: 6061000
shop_product_id: 6061000-27
title: Witte rijst
product_id: 6061000-28
shop_id: 6061000
shop_product_id: 6061000-28
title: Nasi
product_id: 6061000-29
shop_id: 6061000
shop_product_id: 6061000-29
title: Bami
product_id: 6061200-01
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-01
title: Coca-Cola
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6061200-02
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-02
title: Coca-Cola zero
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6061200-03
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-03
title: Fanta
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6061200-04
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-04
title: Cassis
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6061200-05
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-05
title: Fristi
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6061200-06
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-06
title: Appelsap
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6061200-07
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-07
title: Fernandes cherry bouquet
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6061200-08
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-08
title: Fernandes green punch
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6061200-09
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-09
title: Sprite
price: € 2,65
product_id: 6061200-10
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-10
title: Chaudfontaine still
price: € 2,65
product_id: 6061200-11
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-11
title: Chaudfontaine sparkling
price: € 2,65
product_id: 6061200-12
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-12
title: IJsthee sparkling
price: € 2,65
product_id: 6061200-13
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-13
title: IJsthee green tea
price: € 2,65
product_id: 6061200-14
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-14
title: IJsthee peach
price: € 2,65
product_id: 6061200-15
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-15
title: Chocomel
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6061200-16
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-16
title: Red Bull
price: € 2,50
product_id: 6061200-17
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-17
title: AA Drink
price: € 2,65
product_id: 6061200-18
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-18
title: Radler 0.0%
price: € 2,50
product_id: 6061200-19
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-19
title: Milkshake aardbei
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6061200-20
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-20
title: Milkshake chocolade
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6061200-21
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-21
title: Milkshake kiwi
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6061200-22
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-22
title: Milkshake karamel
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6061200-23
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-23
title: Milkshake vanille
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6061200-24
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-24
title: Milkshake banaan
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6061200-25
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-25
title: Milkshake kersen
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6061200-26
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-26
title: Cheeseburger
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6061200-27
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-27
title: Houtstraatburger
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6061200-28
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-28
title: Chickenburger
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6061200-29
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-29
title: Fishburger
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6061200-30
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-30
title: Vegaburger
price: € 0,50
product_id: 6061200-31
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-31
title: Barbecue burger
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6061200-32
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-32
title: Zinger burger
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6061200-33
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-33
title: Duoburger
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6061200-34
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-34
title: Mayonaise
price: € 0,50
product_id: 6061200-35
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-35
title: Curry
price: € 0,50
product_id: 6061200-36
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-36
title: Tomatenketchup
price: € 0,50
product_id: 6061200-37
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-37
title: Satésaus
price: € 0,80
product_id: 6061200-38
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-38
title: Barbecuesaus
price: € 0,80
product_id: 6061200-39
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-39
title: Speciaalsaus
price: € 0,80
product_id: 6061200-40
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-40
title: Knoflooksaus
price: € 0,80
product_id: 6061200-41
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-41
title: Chilisaus
price: € 0,80
product_id: 6061200-42
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-42
title: Joppiesaus
price: € 0,80
product_id: 6061200-43
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-43
title: Oorlogsaus
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6061200-44
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-44
title: Piccalilli
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6061200-45
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-45
title: Stoofvlees
price: € 1,95
product_id: 6061200-46
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-46
title: Samuraisaus
price: € 0,80
product_id: 6061200-47
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-47
title: Mayonaise
product_id: 6061200-48
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-48
title: Ketchup
product_id: 6061200-49
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-49
title: Satésaus
price: € 0,50
product_id: 6061200-50
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-50
title: Barbecuesaus
price: € 0,50
product_id: 6061200-51
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-51
title: Speciaalsaus
price: € 0,50
product_id: 6061200-52
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-52
title: Knoflooksaus
price: € 0,50
product_id: 6061200-53
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-53
title: Chilisaus
price: € 0,50
product_id: 6061200-54
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-54
title: Joppiesaus
price: € 0,50
product_id: 6061200-55
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-55
title: Oorlogsaus
price: € 0,50
product_id: 6061200-56
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-56
title: Piccalilli
price: € 0,50
product_id: 6061200-57
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-57
title: Stoofvlees
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6061200-58
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-58
title: Kroket
product_id: 6061200-59
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-59
title: Frikandel
product_id: 6061200-60
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-60
title: Bamischijf
product_id: 6061200-61
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-61
title: Nasischijf
product_id: 6061200-62
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-62
title: Kaassouflé
product_id: 6061200-63
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-63
title: 4 kipnuggets
product_id: 6061200-64
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-64
title: 4 minisnacks
product_id: 6061200-65
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-65
title: Capri sun
product_id: 6061200-66
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-66
title: Chocomel
price: € 0,50
product_id: 6061200-67
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-67
title: Fristi
price: € 0,50
product_id: 6061200-68
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-68
title: Cola
price: € 0,50
product_id: 6061200-69
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-69
title: Fanta
price: € 0,50
product_id: 6061200-70
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-70
title: Water
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6061200-71
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-71
title: IJsthee
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6061200-72
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-72
title: AA Drink
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6061200-73
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-73
title: Appelsap
product_id: 6061200-74
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-74
title: Met broodje
price: € 0,50
product_id: 6061200-75
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-75
title: Zonder broodje
product_id: 6061200-76
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-76
title: Normaal
product_id: 6061200-77
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-77
title: Groot
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6061200-78
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-78
title: Wereldburger
product_id: 6061200-79
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-79
title: Joppie Burger
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6061200-80
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-80
title: Cheeseburger
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6061200-81
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-81
title: Houtstraatburger
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6061200-82
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-82
title: Chickenburger
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6061200-83
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-83
title: Fishburger
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6061200-84
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-84
title: Vega chicken burger
price: € 0,50
product_id: 6061200-85
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-85
title: Barbecue burger
price: € 0,50
product_id: 6061200-86
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-86
title: Zingerburger
product_id: 6061200-87
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-87
title: Duoburger
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6061200-88
shop_id: 6061200
shop_product_id: 6061200-88
title: Satéburger
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6179900-01
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-01
title: Normal
product_id: 6179900-02
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-02
title: Groot
price: € 2,80
product_id: 6179900-03
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-03
title: Witte rijst
product_id: 6179900-04
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-04
title: Salade
product_id: 6179900-05
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-05
title: Combo witte rijst en salade
product_id: 6179900-06
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-06
title: Bloemkoolrijst en salade
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6179900-07
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-07
title: Combo witte en bloemkoolrijst
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6179900-08
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-08
title: Extra zalm
price: € 3,00
product_id: 6179900-09
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-09
title: Extra poké soja saus (geleverd in een apart bakje)
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6179900-10
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-10
title: Extra sesame roast (geleverd in een apart bakje)
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6179900-100
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-100
title: Knapperige ui
product_id: 6179900-101
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-101
title: Furikake
product_id: 6179900-102
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-102
title: Sesam mix
product_id: 6179900-103
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-103
title: Lente-ui
product_id: 6179900-104
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-104
title: Chilivlokken
product_id: 6179900-105
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-105
title: Geen crunch
product_id: 6179900-106
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-106
title: Nee. geen extra topping
product_id: 6179900-107
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-107
title: Geen saus
product_id: 6179900-108
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-108
title: Warm
product_id: 6179900-109
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-109
title: Koud
product_id: 6179900-11
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-11
title: Extra Japanese mayo (geleverd in een apart bakje)
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6179900-110
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-110
title: Nee. geen extra
product_id: 6179900-111
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-111
title: Nee. geen wasabi
product_id: 6179900-112
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-112
title: Nee. geen cream cheese toefjes
product_id: 6179900-113
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-113
title: Nee. geen bestek
product_id: 6179900-114
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-114
title: Nee. geen extra proteine
product_id: 6179900-12
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-12
title: Extra sriracha mayo (geleverd in een apart bakje)
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6179900-13
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-13
title: Extra lemongrass (geleverd in een apart bakje)
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6179900-14
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-14
title: Extra mango sunrise (geleverd in een apart bakje)
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6179900-15
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-15
title: Extra teriyakisaus (geleverd in een apart bakje)
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6179900-16
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-16
title: Nee. geen extra dressing
product_id: 6179900-17
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-17
title: Ja. graag bestek
product_id: 6179900-18
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-18
title: Ja. graag eetstokjes
price: € 0,30
product_id: 6179900-19
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-19
title: Ja. graag wasabi
price: € 0,50
product_id: 6179900-20
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-20
title: Bakje zeewiersalade (chuka wakame)
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6179900-21
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-21
title: Portie tempura garnalen
price: € 6,95
product_id: 6179900-22
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-22
title: Portie karaage (Japanse kip)
price: € 5,95
product_id: 6179900-23
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-23
title: Portie gyoza (dumplings)
price: € 5,50
product_id: 6179900-24
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-24
title: Portie edamame boontjes
price: € 4,95
product_id: 6179900-25
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-25
title: Mini loempia's
price: € 4,95
product_id: 6179900-26
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-26
title: Zoetzure komkommers
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6179900-27
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-27
title: Nee. liever geen bijgerechten
product_id: 6179900-28
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-28
title: Extra tonijn
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6179900-29
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-29
title: Extra karaage topping
price: € 3,00
product_id: 6179900-30
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-30
title: Extra tempura topping
price: € 3,00
product_id: 6179900-31
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-31
title: Extra gebakken tofu
price: € 2,50
product_id: 6179900-32
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-32
title: Zalm
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6179900-33
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-33
title: Gemarineerde zalm
price: € 1,25
product_id: 6179900-34
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-34
title: Flambé zalm
price: € 1,25
product_id: 6179900-35
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-35
title: Tonijn
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6179900-36
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-36
title: Gemarineerde tonijn
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6179900-37
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-37
title: Seared tuna
price: € 1,75
product_id: 6179900-38
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-38
title: Combo zalm en tonijn
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6179900-39
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-39
title: Gefrituurde tempura (garnalen)
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6179900-40
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-40
title: Gefrituurde karaage (Japanse kip)
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6179900-41
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-41
title: Gefrituurde gyoza (dumplings)
price: € 0,50
product_id: 6179900-42
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-42
title: Baked tofu
product_id: 6179900-43
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-43
title: Gemarineerde baked tofu
price: € 0,25
product_id: 6179900-44
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-44
title: Tamago (Japanse omelet)
product_id: 6179900-45
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-45
title: Geen proteïne
product_id: 6179900-46
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-46
title: Zalm
price: € 3,00
product_id: 6179900-47
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-47
title: Gemarineerde zalm
price: € 3,25
product_id: 6179900-48
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-48
title: Flambé zalm
price: € 3,25
product_id: 6179900-49
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-49
title: Tonijn
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6179900-50
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-50
title: Gemarineerde tonijn
price: € 3,75
product_id: 6179900-51
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-51
title: Seared tuna
price: € 3,50
product_id: 6179900-52
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-52
title: Gefrituurde tempura (garnalen)
price: € 3,00
product_id: 6179900-53
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-53
title: Gefrituurde karaage (Japanse kip)
price: € 3,00
product_id: 6179900-54
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-54
title: Gefrituurde gyoza (dumplings)
price: € 3,00
product_id: 6179900-55
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-55
title: Baked tofu
price: € 2,50
product_id: 6179900-56
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-56
title: Gemarineerde baked tofu
price: € 2,75
product_id: 6179900-57
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-57
title: Tamago (Japanse omelet)
price: € 2,50
product_id: 6179900-58
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-58
title: Edamame boontjes
product_id: 6179900-59
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-59
title: Komkommer
product_id: 6179900-60
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-60
title: Knapperige maïs
product_id: 6179900-61
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-61
title: Surimi krab salade
product_id: 6179900-62
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-62
title: Zeewiersalade
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6179900-63
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-63
title: Avocado
product_id: 6179900-64
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-64
title: Mango
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6179900-65
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-65
title: Rode kool
product_id: 6179900-66
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-66
title: Rode biet
product_id: 6179900-67
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-67
title: Rode ui
product_id: 6179900-68
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-68
title: Wortelen
product_id: 6179900-69
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-69
title: Japanse gele radijs
product_id: 6179900-70
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-70
title: Snoeptomaten
product_id: 6179900-71
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-71
title: Taugé
product_id: 6179900-72
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-72
title: Geen topping
product_id: 6179900-73
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-73
title: Extra edamame boontjes
price: € 0,80
product_id: 6179900-74
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-74
title: Extra komkommer
price: € 0,80
product_id: 6179900-75
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-75
title: Extra knapperige maïs
price: € 0,80
product_id: 6179900-76
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-76
title: Extra surimi krab salade
price: € 0,80
product_id: 6179900-77
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-77
title: Extra zeewiersalade
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6179900-78
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-78
title: Extra avocado
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6179900-79
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-79
title: Extra mango
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6179900-80
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-80
title: Extra rode kool
price: € 0,80
product_id: 6179900-81
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-81
title: Extra rode biet
price: € 0,80
product_id: 6179900-82
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-82
title: Extra rode ui
price: € 0,80
product_id: 6179900-83
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-83
title: Extra wortelen
price: € 0,80
product_id: 6179900-84
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-84
title: Extra japanse gele radijs
price: € 0,80
product_id: 6179900-85
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-85
title: Extrasnoeptomaten
price: € 0,80
product_id: 6179900-86
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-86
title: Extra taugé
price: € 0,80
product_id: 6179900-87
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-87
title: Ja. lekker cream cheese toefjes
product_id: 6179900-88
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-88
title: Poké soja saus (geleverd in een apart bakje)
product_id: 6179900-89
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-89
title: Sesame roast
product_id: 6179900-90
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-90
title: Japanese mayo
product_id: 6179900-91
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-91
title: Sriracha mayo
product_id: 6179900-92
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-92
title: Lemongrass
product_id: 6179900-93
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-93
title: Mango sunrise
product_id: 6179900-94
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-94
title: Teriyakisaus
product_id: 6179900-95
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-95
title: Gedroogd zeewier
product_id: 6179900-96
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-96
title: Roze gember
product_id: 6179900-97
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-97
title: Knoflook chips
product_id: 6179900-98
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-98
title: Tempura kruimels
product_id: 6179900-99
shop_id: 6179900
shop_product_id: 6179900-99
title: Masago oranje (viskuit)
product_id: 6180000-01
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-01
title: Biologisch maïsbrood
product_id: 6180000-02
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-02
title: Biologisch meergranenbrood
product_id: 6180000-03
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-03
title: Sushirijst (lauwwarm)
product_id: 6180000-06
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-06
title: Quinoa
product_id: 6180000-07
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-07
title: Slamix
product_id: 6180000-08
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-08
title: Middel
product_id: 6180000-09
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-09
title: Groot
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6180000-10
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-10
title: Hoisin
product_id: 6180000-101
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-101
title: Quinoa (warm)
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6180000-102
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-102
title: Quinoa (koud)
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6180000-103
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-103
title: Garnalen
price: € 2,50
product_id: 6180000-104
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-104
title: Gekookt eitje
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6180000-105
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-105
title: Geponcheerd eitje
price: € 1,50
product_id: 6180000-106
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-106
title: Biefstukpuntjes
price: € 2,50
product_id: 6180000-107
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-107
title: Geroosterde kip
price: € 2,50
product_id: 6180000-108
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-108
title: Verse zalm
price: € 2,50
product_id: 6180000-109
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-109
title: Extra biefpuntjes
price: € 2,75
product_id: 6180000-11
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-11
title: Poké saus
product_id: 6180000-110
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-110
title: Extra Crispy Chicken
price: € 2,50
product_id: 6180000-111
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-111
title: Extra Ebi Tempura (4 st.)
price: € 3,25
product_id: 6180000-112
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-112
title: Extra kip
price: € 2,50
product_id: 6180000-113
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-113
title: Extra Sticky Tempeh
price: € 2,50
product_id: 6180000-114
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-114
title: Extra verse zalm
price: € 2,50
product_id: 6180000-115
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-115
title: Appelsap
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6180000-116
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-116
title: Sinaasappelsap
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6180000-12
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-12
title: Sesam-soja vinaigrette
product_id: 6180000-13
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-13
title: Sojasaus
product_id: 6180000-14
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-14
title: Sweet chili
product_id: 6180000-15
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-15
title: Teriyaki
product_id: 6180000-16
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-16
title: Extra zalm
price: € 2,50
product_id: 6180000-17
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-17
title: Avocado
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6180000-18
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-18
title: Extra gerookte zalm
price: € 2,50
product_id: 6180000-19
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-19
title: Extra kip
price: € 2,50
product_id: 6180000-20
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-20
title: Extra tempeh
price: € 2,50
product_id: 6180000-21
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-21
title: Wrap-it
product_id: 6180000-22
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-22
title: Vegan feta
price: € 0,95
product_id: 6180000-23
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-23
title: Gekookt ei
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6180000-24
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-24
title: Geroosterde kip
price: € 2,50
product_id: 6180000-25
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-25
title: Vegan hummus harissa
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6180000-26
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-26
title: Vegan hummus rode biet
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6180000-27
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-27
title: Vegan tempeh
price: € 2,50
product_id: 6180000-28
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-28
title: Geitenkaas
price: € 1,75
product_id: 6180000-29
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-29
title: Gerookte zalm
price: € 2,50
product_id: 6180000-30
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-30
title: Griekse yoghurt
price: € 0,50
product_id: 6180000-31
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-31
title: Vegan hummus naturel
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6180000-32
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-32
title: Mozzarella
price: € 1,05
product_id: 6180000-33
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-33
title: Geen premium
product_id: 6180000-34
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-34
title: EXTRA Avocado
price: € 1,25
product_id: 6180000-35
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-35
title: Marokkaanse Couscous
product_id: 6180000-36
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-36
title: Pinda dressing
product_id: 6180000-37
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-37
title: Vegan tahini
product_id: 6180000-38
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-38
title: Vegan pinda dressing
product_id: 6180000-39
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-39
title: Geen dressing
product_id: 6180000-40
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-40
title: Burrata
price: € 2,50
product_id: 6180000-41
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-41
title: Extra moerbeibessen
price: € 1,25
product_id: 6180000-42
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-42
title: Extra balsamico
price: € 0,50
product_id: 6180000-43
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-43
title: Extra bijenpollen
price: € 0,95
product_id: 6180000-44
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-44
title: Extra walnoten
price: € 0,95
product_id: 6180000-45
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-45
title: Marokkaanse Couscous (koud)
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6180000-46
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-46
title: Penne (lauwwarm)
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6180000-47
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-47
title: Sushirijst (lauwwarm)
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6180000-48
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-48
title: Bulgur (koud)
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6180000-49
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-49
title: Noodles (lauwwarm)
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6180000-50
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-50
title: Quinoa (koud)
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6180000-51
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-51
title: Geen Extra
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6180000-52
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-52
title: Extra kip
price: € 1,75
product_id: 6180000-53
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-53
title: Extra pesto dressing
price: € 0,50
product_id: 6180000-54
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-54
title: Extra mosterd-dille dressing
price: € 0,50
product_id: 6180000-55
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-55
title: Verse zalm
product_id: 6180000-56
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-56
title: Gerookte zalm
product_id: 6180000-57
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-57
title: Kip
product_id: 6180000-58
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-58
title: Sticky tempeh
product_id: 6180000-59
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-59
title: Mayonaise
product_id: 6180000-60
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-60
title: Ketchup
product_id: 6180000-61
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-61
title: Curry
product_id: 6180000-62
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-62
title: Burger relish
product_id: 6180000-63
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-63
title: Korean BBQ
product_id: 6180000-64
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-64
title: Double burger
price: € 2,15
product_id: 6180000-65
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-65
title: Vegan truffelmayonaise
price: € 0,95
product_id: 6180000-66
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-66
title: Vegan chedda cheese
price: € 0,95
product_id: 6180000-67
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-67
title: Jalapeños
price: € 0,65
product_id: 6180000-68
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-68
title: American coleslaw
price: € 2,99
product_id: 6180000-69
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-69
title: Vegan Griekse witte kool
price: € 2,99
product_id: 6180000-70
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-70
title: Boeren rauwkost
price: € 2,99
product_id: 6180000-71
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-71
title: Vegan wakame
price: € 3,99
product_id: 6180000-72
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-72
title: Extra heksenkaas
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6180000-73
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-73
title: Extra wakame
price: € 1,25
product_id: 6180000-74
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-74
title: Komkommer
price: € 0,25
product_id: 6180000-75
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-75
title: Tomaat
price: € 0,25
product_id: 6180000-76
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-76
title: Biologisch en vegan maisbrood
product_id: 6180000-77
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-77
title: Biologisch en vegan meergranenbrood
product_id: 6180000-78
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-78
title: Panini
product_id: 6180000-79
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-79
title: Curry
price: € 0,75
product_id: 6180000-80
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-80
title: Ketchup
price: € 0,75
product_id: 6180000-81
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-81
title: Korean BBQ
price: € 0,75
product_id: 6180000-82
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-82
title: Mayonaise vegan
price: € 0,75
product_id: 6180000-83
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-83
title: Sweet chili
price: € 0,75
product_id: 6180000-84
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-84
title: Truffelmayonaise
price: € 0,75
product_id: 6180000-86
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-86
title: Geen saus
product_id: 6180000-87
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-87
title: Water
product_id: 6180000-88
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-88
title: Volle melk
product_id: 6180000-93
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-93
title: Alpro sojamelk
product_id: 6180000-94
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-94
title: Alpro amandelmelk
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6180000-95
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-95
title: Alpro kokosmelk
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6180000-96
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-96
title: Klein (300 ml)
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6180000-97
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-97
title: Middel (400 ml)
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6180000-98
shop_id: 6180000
shop_product_id: 6180000-98
title: Oats (Alpro)
price: € 1,00
product_id: 6061300-01
shop_id: 6061300
shop_product_id: 6061300-01
title: Met sambal
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6061300-02
shop_id: 6061300
shop_product_id: 6061300-02
title: Zonder sambal
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6061300-03
shop_id: 6061300
shop_product_id: 6061300-03
title: Normaal
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6061300-04
shop_id: 6061300
shop_product_id: 6061300-04
title: XL
price: € 3,00
product_id: 6061300-05
shop_id: 6061300
shop_product_id: 6061300-05
title: Zonder saus
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6061300-06
shop_id: 6061300
shop_product_id: 6061300-06
title: Pindasaus
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6061300-07
shop_id: 6061300
shop_product_id: 6061300-07
title: Vissaus
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6061300-08
shop_id: 6061300
shop_product_id: 6061300-08
title: Tijgergarnalen
price: € 2,00
product_id: 6061300-09
shop_id: 6061300
shop_product_id: 6061300-09
title: Geen extra
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6061100-01
shop_id: 6061100
shop_product_id: 6061100-01
title: Geen bestek
price: € 0,00
product_id: 6061100-02
shop_id: 6061100
shop_product_id: 6061100-02
title: Met bestek
price: € 0,00